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In the times today, when time is running short for everything , dedicating a Special day in honor of  Parents is really auspicious. A day meant to honor the parents for all the sacrifices they do throughout their lives to provide their children with the best of everything. Parent’s day gives children an opportunity to reunite with their parents and have a good time with them. It is that time of the year when children express their heartfelt feelings for their parents and thank them from the bottom of their hearts.


The Transformers Value Creators, a training organization involved in developing life skills & imparting character education organized and celebrated Parent’s day on 27th July’ 2014 with all fun & fervor with the tiny tots and their parents.


The caption for this parent’s day celebration was “माँ.. पा… आप हो स्नेहआदर्श और दुआओं का संगम”, such that apart from expressing our gratitude towards parents emphasis was laid upon “role of parents in inculcating values & character building of their children” in continuation to which with the support of various inspiring videos, fun games & participative activities the following family values were discussed & elaborated…..

  1. a)Respect for parents & elders
  2. b)Respect for guru or spiritual teacher
  3. c)Passing of our cultural, spiritual & ancient heritage
  4. d)Contribution to society & human kind through self less seva


  1. e)Young parents were made to recollect on the fact of their parents getting old & their responsibility as children to take care of their aged parents.


Manjula, CEO of The Transformers in her presentation emphasized on the fact that “in the presence scenario where families are breaking down fast, celebrating Parent’s day put forward the importance of parents in society. It also upholds the idea that a child should be raised together by both the parents. The day also helps us understand the importance of parents in a family and in the society.”


The toddlers expressed their love & affection towards their parents by singing & dancing around.


Apart from many exciting & emotional heart touching moments throughout the event, one of the key attraction was the live performance on the life of “मातृ और पितृभक्त श्रवणकुमार” by the very special kids from the less privileged & economically weaker section of the society.



The program concluded with a special prayer for the well being & long life of all the parents, who are the Living God’s for their children.



All the invitees inclusive of the children and their parents were really delighted & impressed by the efforts put in by the children from the economically weaker section and The Transformers team.


Such type of events not only strengthen the bond between the children & parents but also remind the parents of their own parents who in today’s fast progressing world are left behind. The world may be fast expanding for these young parents but what about their aged parents for whom they are the complete world.


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