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2 days Personality Development Life Skills Capsule Facilitated on 11th and 12th February’19 at NCC OTA, Gwalior for 100 ANO’s as part of their pre-commission course.  This group of ANO’s were in comparatively in the younger age group of 32 to 34 years, because of which witnessed a more active participation along with much more exuberant energies from them.

To make it more practical oriented and to promote maximum experiential learning, the ANO’s were actively involved in various outbound learning activities. While the learning outcomes of the same were unleashed and collaborated through dialogue, debate and discussion.


Activities and Content to be delivered on the Day 1, i.e. 11th February’19 was designed in a way, so as to facilitate the ANO’s, with the deeper introspection and stronger realization of their own strengths and traits as “Being and Indian Woman” which was further provoked through a session on “Self Awareness to instil Self Motivation”. A session on Self Awareness was further enriched with a session where the ANO’s were involved in various tasks and invoke ways to “Collaborate one’s Personal Values with the Universal Ethical Values” and finally the Day 1 concluded with a session on the various ways, skills and qualities desired to “Being a NCC Brand Ambassador”.


To achieve all the above mentioned within a day, the ANO’s were put into various simulative situations and were made to participate in activities like “Draw your Fears”, “Unleash your Potential”, “Dodge the Ball”, “What is Your Egg made up of”, “Fill up the Bucket”, “Blind Fold Walk”. To further strengthen the impact of these activities, the ANO’s were involved in brainstorming and open house discussion sessions and were further sensitized with various sensitive video clippings from some of the motivational movies like “Neerja”, “Chak de India” and various other short stories and documentaries.


Activities and the content for Day 2, i.e. on the 12th February’19 was primarily designed in a way, so as to invoke the essential skills and ways to develop “Rapport building with the NCC Cadets”, “Promote Socio-Emotional learning amongst the Cadets” and finally “Promote the role of Youth in Nation Building”.  All these crucial learnings were imparted and invoked by involving various ways to enhance one’s emotional intelligence.


Primarily to sensitize and to create awareness  about the various essential socio-emotional skills of “Self Awareness”, “Social Awareness”, “Self Management”, “Responsible Decision Making” along with “Relationship Skills” the ANO’s were once again made to participate in various outbound activities like, “Follow the Sequence”, “The 3 Islands”, “Forming the Balloon Train”.

To further enrich the experience gained from participation in all these activities, the ANO’s were made to see various short clippings, from some inspirational movies like “The 3 Idiots” along with some other self-created videos to enforce the purpose of these games, activities and fun sessions.

Lastly, the ANO’s formally presented their 2 days of learnings in front of the Commandant Sir, Brig. Shah and their respective training officers along with other senior officials at the NCC OTA Academy, in some of the more creative and stimulating ways in form of songs, poetry, role plays and even as dance performances.

All in all, due to the wholehearted participation, involvement and receptivity of almost all the ANO’s, along with the utmost support and best of facilitation and hospitality extended by the Officials and other staff members at the NCC OTA, Gwalior, it was an enriching and enthralling experience for all of us.




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