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In the modern times of today, for the better upbringing of Children and to have a comfortable lifestyle, both working parents is a common scenario. With the World being really bad and cruel mostly the innocent kids are alone at home, surrounded by various kind of threats. Under such circumstances, its really hard to decide upon who is trustworthy and who is not. Also need not to mention that most of the times, its our own people involved in doing wrong or damaging us and specially the most vulnerable, are our children.


Situations are so bad that the toddlers or the young children do not even get to understand or realize that their very own relatives or known ones, who pretend to love them the most, can prove to be the most harmful. With such devils as a part of our society, for whom these innocent children are just nothing more than sex toys, then why is that, topics like gender sensitization, adolescent problems and sex education, still not very openly discussed and talked about by the parents with their children or are till date preferred not to be imparted awareness even in schools?


One of the reasons for this inhibition may be our orthodox views for which we keep waiting for the right age of our children, when they will be able to understand well and even we as Parents or Teachers would also not have to stretch much beyond our comfort zone in explaining it to them.


But then what needs to be realized utmost is that a criminal mind would never wait for your right time.  Hence till the time almost every child even in their initial formative years is made aware of “Good Touch” & “Bad Touch” and the difference between the two, such criminals may keep exploiting our innocent children.


Under such times of need, “The Transformers Value Creators, a Chandigarh based training organization imparting Life Skills and Character Education as a part of their social responsibility, has taken up an awareness drive against Child Abuse with the prime objectives to create:

  1. Respect and Recognition for both the Genders
  2. Awareness against Child Abuse
  3. Difference between a Good Touch and Bad Touch


  1. Necessary preventive measures  to avoid child abuse



As a part of this awareness drive, The Transformers have conducted such sessions in more than 50 schools in the states/UT of Chandigarh, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal & Delhi. They have been imparting such awareness to the preschool children and parents as well with the help of animated videos, real life stories and presentation.


Such sessions are being conducted for mixed group of students and also exclusively for boys and girls students.

Recently under this awareness drive they had conducted an awareness workshop against Child Abuse at Rotary Public School, Gurgaon for more than 500 students.



Through these awareness workshops The Transformers team under the guidance of it CEO Manjula, wish to create a more sensitive and safe society for our future generations, i.e. our children.


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