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A Faculty Development Workshop was conducted to stimulate the creative style of teaching by engaging students in various creative activities



The purpose of this training was to enhance the creativity amongst the children and teachers to make learning easy and interesting.  Moreover, it is a proven fact that learning through fun is retained for a longer duration or throughout the lifetime. Thus, it is the need of the hour to reform our teaching    methodologies, which would certainly result into the holistic development of the students.


In the ancient times, similar teaching practices were followed by the GURU’S to impart quality education to the learners but with the passage of time real meaning /concept of education has been lost somewhere. Thus, it is our prime responsibility to maintain the same standard of education by implementing teaching practices based upon experiential learning.



Teachers were sensitized upon the need of holistic strengthening of the students, which requires the practical involvement or engagement of students in the learning process in order to strengthen their physical, intellectual, social, artistic, spiritual and creative potential.


Moreover, enabling students to realize their inner strength was the most important aspect of this training module. In this workshop, various indoor and outdoor activities were organized in which all the teachers participated actively and wholeheartedly. Teachers were convinced and actualized the significance of being creative in teaching, which is important for the clarity and better understanding of the concepts .


In the end of the session, missing links were identified and resolutions were taken up to ensure reforms in education leading to overall development of the students. Teachers  were  excited  to execute this new model of learning in their classrooms for better results .


In short, giving chance to  the  students to think in their own style, as every child is naturally intelligent and they can do wonders when allowed to  analyze and perceive  in their own individual ways where they  think beyond the logics,  experiment with the facts, commit mistakes and create new.




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